
This service offers door-to-door transportation for doctor appointments, pharmacy visits, grocery shopping, and essential nutrition needs like food pantry and rehab services. Doctor/dental appointments Barbershop/hairdresser and nail salon Visits to the senior center, family events, and community activities Grocery store/pharmacy Department store shopping Dining out and other leisure activities

Our Transportation Services Include:

The presence of a trained caregiver enables your loved one to move around safely. If shopping with their client, a caregiver will assist their client with getting in and out of the vehicle, along with any adaptive equipment they may use including walkers and wheelchairs. Caregivers can push grocery carts, carry groceries and other purchases, and put things away once they have returned home.
If shopping without the client, the caregiver will go to the store of the client’s choice with a list of needed items. Our caregivers can use cash or a pre-paid store card provided by the client. Following the errand or shopping trip, the caregiver will return the card or change along with receipt so that the client or their family member can reconcile the purchase. Caregivers do not use a client’s credit card or checks.